Global Sale Solution - Shops24h.Com - That Helps You Improve Your Business!

About Us

Shops24h.Com - Orders Online was born in 2015, when the agency Indexnet Publicidade Digital realized the need for a solution that facilitated online sales for its customers in the food segment, such as restaurants, cafeterias and lunch counters. They believed that a product of this type would also be able to measure the results of the agency's advertising campaigns, as customers would reach establishments through WhatsApp. After carrying out extensive research on solutions available on the market, they decided to develop their own smart solution.

The platform became, in 2020, the first tool for digital menu via WhatsApp and online order management developed. It gained notoriety across the country, especially with the Covid-19 pandemic, when online sales became a necessity for many businesses. Shops24h.Com was created with the aim of streamlining customer service through WhatsApp, without the need for high commission fees, such as those charged by other online sales solutions. Currently, it has more than 5,600 registered establishments around the world and has become a national reference for digital menu solutions and online ordering.

Keeping a team always up to date with market news, Shops24h.Com is constantly releasing new features to its users, making the tool increasingly efficient and practical for its customers.

Out Mission
Simplify the routine of entrepreneurs, providing a complete and efficient solution for managing and controlling service for different types of establishments.

Our Vision
Our goal is to continue to drive business success through innovation and constant improvement of our platform.

Security, transparency, quality and commitment to customer satisfaction.

David - CEO Shops24h.Com

This's Great Tools for Business and Individuals!

Let's try it to improve your business now!

David CEO